Filming the Civil War    
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  Filming the Civil War – Battles
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reenactment footage union march



















Images top to Bottom: 1) Drawing, Infantry fight on the left wing, Battle of Bull Run. Library of Congress. 2) Union soldiers marching, Raymond Re-enactment 1998, photographed by Kent Moorhead - Copyright 2010 by Forever Young Productions, LLC. 3) Battery
We also interview the best experts.
D 5th US artillery going into action on south side of Rappahannock River below Fredericksburg, VA June 4, 1863, Library of Congress.









We find just the right period art and photographs. And then bring it all to life with dramatic reenactment scenes.
battle scene etching

civil war photo of cannon
Shelby Foote
Kent Moorhead interviewed Shelby Foote in 1998 for an earlier film about The Battle of Brice's Crossroads.
Dr, Frank Smith
Dr. Frank Smith is the Director of the African American Civil War Museum in Washington, D.C. Kent Moorhead interviewed him in 2010 for a short film about the black soldiers of the United States Colored Troops.
Research & writing come first. Next we find the right images for the story we are telling. In addition to its large collection of reenactment footage, Forever Young Productions shoots any new scenes that the story needs.
To see more of Kent Moorhead's work, follow the links on the left to his Swedish website, Allt-i-ett Film and Media, or to his US website, Forever Young Productions, LLC