A Changing America ...

View of Ground Zero - 2009
©2012 by Kent Moorhead
A unique knowledge of the US
Since 1983 Kent Moorhead has supplemented his income as a filmmaker by working for the US Department of State, traveling the US with international visitors on State Department exchange Programs. He has been in all major cities and 49 States (just missing Alaska). More importantly, he has gained an in-depth and hands-on understanding of America. He has studied a diverse range of areas: cultural trends, education, clean energy & the environment, data security, poverty and social issues, film & theater, television, the press and media, politics, economics, the justice system, religion, government and national security.
A Multicultural America

Latino anti-racist march in San Antonio, Texas - 2010
©2012 by Kent Moorhead
Understanding the Issues

Homeless Newspaper Vendor, Washington D.C. - 2009
©2012 by Kent Moorhead
The documentaries made by Passage Film benefited from Kent Moorhead's deep understanding of many complex issues. He knows the country well, but he also is familiar with the most significant problems and issues faced by the U.S. He has learned the importance of figuring out who has the knowledge, and then asking the right questions to understand the issue. Sometimes the best-informed people are those with direct knowledge of a particular situation -- for instance that homeless newspaper vendor you pass on the street every day may have the best grasp of how to tackle homelessness.